What is Proof of Stake
Proof of Stake (PoS) is a consensus algorithms for public blockchains that depend on a validator’s economic stake in the network and it is an alternative consensus mechanism to blockchain systems. Instead of consuming largely computational resource in PoW, PoS just need a little computational power to resolve a simple puzzel. Therefore, the majority of problems with PoS protocols arise from the fact that there is nothing physical “anchoring” in real-world. Meanwhile, that also means PoS is more energy efficiency.
Why PoS is Vulnerable?
Due to nothing “anchoring” in reality and validing a block only relative to validator’s deposit(i.e. stake), PoS is facing two critical problem: “Nothing at Stake Problem” and “Initial Distribution Porblem”.
由于PoS没有与现实世界中的任何东西发生“锚定”,而且验证出块仅与验证者的押金相关(i.e. 权益),导致PoS面临两个问题:“无利害问题”和“初始分配问题”。
Nothing at Stake Problem In many early (all chain-based) proof of stake algorithms, if there is a fork of the blockchain, all users are incentive to work on the top of all forked chain because of there is no penalties for this behavior. With a proof of work algorithm, such behavior is irrational that a miner have to split his computational power to work on both chain decreased the probability to find a block.
Initial Distribution Problem In Bitcoin and other PoW systems, miners have an incentive to release their coins to others as they need to imporve their computational power continuously for mining more coins. But in a proof of stake system, the initial holders of coins will not have such an incentive since the coin balance directly contributes to their wealth.
Attack Tyeps for PoS
summarised some classical attacks for purely PoS protocol as follow:
Long Range Attack In a system with PoS consensus, an attacker possessing enough stakes can attempt to build an alternative blockchain starting from the very first block. In general, the attacker will start at the gensis block to consturct a private chain with some different transactions and publish his chain as long as the length of the private chain longer than the main one.
Bribe Attack When the attacker want to start a double-spending attack, he can announce a reward to brive many validators to work on the block without the payment transaction(i.e. without six latest blocks) as long as the payment is expensive than the reward.
Precomputing Attack When launching a procomputing attack, attacker must have enough computational power to influence the hash of current block by adjusting the transactions of current block(i.e. by adding a new transaction into current block), so he can precompute the next block’s validator according to the hash of current block.
1.Proof of Stake versus Proof of Work 2.Proof of Stake FAQs