Making Smart Contracts Smarter

Posted by 谢智健 on October 26, 2018

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Making Smart Contracts Smarter



  • Problem Pattern: Less studied problem / Well studied problems



Ethereum’s smart contract system has seen steady adoption, supporting tens of thousands of contracts, holding millions dollars worth of virtual coins.Unfortunately, the security of smart contracts has not received much attention, although several anecdotal incidents of smart contracts malfunctioning have recently been reported, including contracts that do not execute as expected and/or that have locked away thousands of dollars worth of virtual coins.

Literature Review

Requir all clients in the network to upgrade,thus running the risk of not seeing real,we provide a tool call OYENTE for users to detect bugs in as a pre-deployment.

This tool can detect 4 flaws:

  • Transaction-Ordering Dependence(TOD)
  • Timestamp Dependence
  • Mishandled Exceptions
  • Reentrancy Vulnerability

Research Niche

Smart contracts once deployed,which are irreversible and immutable.There is no way to patch a buggy smart contract,regardless of its popularity or how much money it has,without reversing the blockchain. The hacker can exploit this bug to gain,we must detect whether the smart contract has flaws before deploy it.


Research Objectives

Our goals are threefold:

  1. we aim to measure the prevalence of the security bugs discussed in Section3 in the real Ethereum contracts.
  2. we highlight that our design and implementation choices are driven by the characteristics of real-life smart contracts,and that OYENTE is robust enough to handle them.
  3. we present several case studies demonstrating misunderstandings that many contract developers have about the subtle semantics of Ethereum.

In Figure 12.OYENTE flags 8,833 contracts which have at least one security issue discussed in Section 3.Out of these,1,682 are dustinct(by direct comparison of the bytecode).

the authors only have one way to comfirm the false positives(假阳性) – by manual analysis.thus this tool can not remove false positives automatically





Evaluation Summary

We run Oyente on all contracts in the first 1,459,999 blocks of Ethereum. Our goals are threefold.

  1. we aim to measure the prevalence of the security bugs discussed in Section 3 in the real Ethereum contracts.
  2. we highlight that our design and implementation choices are driven by the characteristics of real-life smart contracts, and that Oyente is robust enough to handle them.
  3. we present several case studies demonstrating misunderstandings that many contract developers have about the subtle semantics of Ethereum.


When we want to judge the logic problem,we can use Symbolic execution.



The paper provide a tool called OYENTE :

  1. developers to write better contracts
  2. users to avoid invoking problematic contract.
  3. other analyses can also be implemented as independent plugins,without interfering with our existring features


  • On average,Oyente takes 350 seconds to analyze a contract. 267 contracts require more than 30 minutes to analyze. The number of paths explored by Oyente ranges from 1 to 4613 with an average of 19 per contract and a median of 6. We observe that the running time depends near linearly on the number of explored paths,i.e.,the complexity of contracts

Key Concepts

共识机制(Consensus Protocol)



智能合约(Smart Contracts)


  1. 合约的状态
  2. 该合约账户所拥有的以太币。

Gas System


庞氏骗局(Pyramid scheme)


符号执行(Symbolic execution)



