Low-Resource Eclipse Attacks on Ethereum's Peer-to-Peer Network

Posted by 刘学枫 on September 15, 2018

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  • Problem Pattern: Less studied problem



  1. What is the research problem?
    • Why Ethereum is vulnerable to Eclipse attacks?
    • What’s the result of Eclipse attacks launched on Ethereum?
    • What are the countermeasures for Eclipse attacks?
  2. Why it is an important problem?
    • Ethereum has emerged as a leading platform for raising capital through the sale of tokens hosted by Ethereum smart contracts, so attacking Ehereum can make great benefits.
    • The properties of Ethereum’s peer-to-peer network have been largely unexplored.

Literature Review

Despite the growing body of research on the security of Ethereum’s consensus algorithm and scripting language, the properties of Ethereum’s peer-to-peer network have been largely unexplored. Nevertheless, a recent line of work has made it clear that the security properties of a proof-of-work blockchain rests on the security of its underlying peer-to-peer network.

Research Niche

To conventional wisdom suggests that Ethereum’s peer-to-peer network is more resilient to eclipse attacks that than that of Bitcoin. In fact, however, Ethereum’s peer-to-peer network was significantly less secure than that of Bitcoin.


Research Objectives

1.What does the authors want to achieve in this work?

  • To prove that Ethereum is vulnerable to eclipse attacks.
  • To provide some countermeasures for eclipse attacks



  1. A detailed expo- sition of Ethereum’s peer-to-peer network and its rela- tionship to the Kademlia protocol.
  2. Two off-path eclipse attacks and one attack by manipulating time.
  3. Set of countermeasures that can be used to prevent these attacks

Key Concepts

Eclipse attacks


neighbor discovery(ND)


Border Gateway Protocol(BGP)


Kademlia p2p protocol

Kademlia(简称Kad)是一种分布式散列表(DHT)技术,以异或运算为距离度量基础,属于一种典型的结构化P2P覆盖网络(Structured P2P Overlay Network),以分布式的应用层全网方式来进行信息的存储和检索是其尝试解决的主要问题是。在Kademlia网络中,所有信息均以的哈希表条目形式加以存储,这些条目被分散地存储在各个节点上,从而以全网方式构成一张巨大的分布式哈希表

Turing Complete

man-in-the-middle attacks(中间人攻击),指攻击者与通讯的两端分别创建独立的联系,并交换其所收到的数据,使通讯的两端认为他们正在通过一个私密的连接与对方直接对话,但事实上整个会话都被攻击者完全控制。在中间人攻击中,攻击者可以拦截通讯双方的通话并插入新的内容。在许多情况下这是很简单的(例如,在一个未加密的Wi-Fi 无线接入点的接受范围内的中间人攻击者,可以将自己作为一个中间人插入这个网络)。一个中间人攻击能成功的前提条件是攻击者能将自己伪装成每一个参与会话的终端,并且不被其他终端识破。中间人攻击是一个(缺乏)相互认证的攻击。大多数的加密协议都专门加入了一些特殊的认证方法以阻止中间人攻击。

Technical content

Kademlia similarities and differences

  1. Kad网络中的每一个节点均拥有一个专属ID,该ID的具体形式与SHA1散列值类似,为一个长达 b bit的整数,它是由节点自己随机生成的, 两个节点拥有同一ID的可能性非常之小,因此可以认为这几乎是不可能的。
  2. 同样的,Kad网络中条目以及条目下的item也都拥有一个专属ID,也是一个长达 b bit的整数。
  3. Kad网络将任意两个节点之间的距离d定义为其二者ID值的逐比特二进制和数,即,假定两个节点的ID分别为a与b,则有:d=a XOR b。在Kad中,每一个节点都可以根据这一距离概念来判断其他节点距离自己的“远近”,当d值大时,节点间距离较远,而当d值小时,则两个节点相距很近。 这里的“远近”和“距离”都只是一种逻辑上的度量描述而已;在Kad中,距离这一度量是无方向性的,也就是说a到b的距离恒等于b到a的距离,因为a XOR b==b XOR a。
  4. 事实上,节点的ID值也就决定了哪些条目可以存储在该节点之中,因为我们完全可以把某一个条目简单地存放在节点ID 值恰好等于条目中key值的那个节点处,我们可以将满足(ID==key)这一条件的节点命名为目标节点N。这样的话,一个查找条目的问题便被简单地转化成为了一个查找ID等于Key值的节点的问题。